Anna Rayne

Veterinary Nurse

Anna Rayne - Veterinary Nurse and Clinical Purchasing Manager
Anna Rayne RVN BSc(hons) MBVNA SQP Veterinary Nurse and Clinical Purchasing Manager

Anna grew up locally only leaving when she started veterinary nursing in 2002 at Bristol University.

As a student veterinary nurse a large proportion of her vacation placements were spent at The Wheelhouse. She qualified as a nurse in 2005 and graduating in 2006, she working in a small animal hospital in Wiltshire before returning home to Bucks as a locum in 2008.

Anna returned to the Wheelhouse in November 2010 as a permanent member of nursing staff. Her main areas of interest are critical care nursing, pharmaceuticals and canine fitness/ movement.

Anna initially moved to the Chalfont St Giles surgery when it was opened in 2011, she has since returned to the Chesham surgery to be Deputy Head Nurse, and is now the Clinical Purchasing Manager – sourcing anything from syringes to unusual medication or new clinical equipment and trying to ensure all our special equipment keeps working smoothly.

She became Low Stress Handling Certified (Silver Level) in 2017, and is currently working towards a Canine Fitness Instructor Qualification.

Anna has two border collies Spryte (AKA the Kangaroo), and the new addition V'Ariel. Anna enjoys doing dog sports and canine fitness with them. Spryte is semi-retired from agility but does canine fitness work, long walks and a bit of canicross. Vari is just starting out with agility and possibly obedience. Anna is enjoying having a young dog to train again although there's still a border terrier sized hole after losing Isla (at 14 and a half) in 2021 but two dogs are enough for the moment....

Chesham, Amersham, Chalfont St Giles & Beaconsfield