
Our Ophthalmology clinical service is run by one of our vets, Olivia Black at our Chesham surgery.

Olivia has completed a post-graduate qualification in ophthalmology.


We are equipped with the necessary instrumentation to carry out a higher level of ophthalmic service, including:

  • Tonometry
  • Slit lamp biomicroscope
  • Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
  • Microsurgical operating equipment
  • Loupes (magnification)

What Cases Can We See?

Olivia accepts referrals in the following areas of ophthalmology:

  • Conformational eyelid problems- including entropion and ectropion in both dogs and cats
  • Eyelid masses
  • Conjunctivitis, ocular pain or epiphora
  • Distichiasis and ectopic cilia
  • Corneal disease – including chronic non-healing ulcers, deep ulcers, and those that may need surgical grafting
  • Prolapsed nictitans glands (cherry eye)
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye)
  • Uveitis
  • Vision problems

This is not an exhaustive list and if you feel your pet may benefit from our ophthalmology service, please ask your vet to complete our referral form, or call the practice, so that we can advise further.

Please note that we cannot carry out intraocular surgery, which includes cataract surgery. Patients requiring intraocular surgery or some other types of complicated ophthalmic problem may need to be referred to a specialist ophthalmologist at a specialist centre.

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