
Professional service at an affordable price in Buckinghamshire

Check out the Pet Health Club to see how you can save money on preventative care and consultations!

All of our veterinary consults, including re-examinations, are up to 20 minutes. Prices displayed below are reflective of new up to date prices as of August 2024


The Wheelhouse is able to offer comprehensive and diagnostic services for your pets. Many of our pet’s problems are best managed if caught early, so if you have any concerns, please contact us, we can then help by advising whether we would recommend an appointment with a vet or a nurse. In a consultation with your vet, you can expect them to perform a full clinical examination, advise of his/her findings and, where required, recommend the best course of action.


Standard Appointments are up to 20 minutes long Standard Price
Cats, Dogs and Rabbits £69.50
Small Pets £58.00


Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are easily placed under the skin on the back of the neck during a normal vet consultation or in a nurse consultation. The microchip ensures that should your pet come into the practice, the police or rescue organisation as a stray, we are able to contact you by scanning your pet and getting your contact details from the microchip company.

  Standard Price
Cats, Dogs and Rabbits £35.00



We urge that all kittens are vaccinated against Feline Enteritis, two types of Flu virus and Feline Leukaemia from the age of 9 weeks. The course consists of two injections which are done 3-4 weeks apart and includes a full health check given at the first appointment. One with the vet, and one with the nurse, who will also go through preventative healthcare for fleas, worms and neutering.

A yearly booster is required to provide your cat with the necessary ongoing protection against Feline Enteritis, Cat Flu and Feline Leukaemia. During the consultation, our vet will also give your cat a full clinical examination.

  Standard Price
Kitten Initial Course £115.00
Cat Booster £81.00


We urge that all puppies are vaccinated from the age of 8 weeks. The course consists of two vaccines done in 2-4 week intervals and protects against Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis and Leptospirosis. Boosters are required on an annual basis to maintain immunity levels. One vaccine with the vet and one with the nurse, who will also go through preventative healthcare for flea, worms and neutering. You will also receive a puppy information pack.

A yearly booster injection is required to adequately protect your pet against Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis and Leptospirosis. A full clinical examination is also given prior to vaccination.

  Standard Price
Puppy Initial Course £115.00
Dog Booster £81.00


We strongly advise that all rabbits are vaccinated against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease from the age of 8 weeks. VHD1 is a virus which affects rabbits and is usually fatal. We can help to protect against these diseases using a combined vaccine which lasts 12 months.

More recently, there has been a new strain of VHD reported and diagnosed which is called Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease 2 (RVHD2). RVHD2 is equally as nasty and in most cases still proves fatal although some rabbits have recovered with veterinary care. However, this particular strain of the disease could be considered as being more dangerous than RVHD1.

The Wheelhouse Vets highly recommend that all pet rabbits be vaccinated against Myxomatosis and both strains of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease in order to give them the very best protection from these awful and often fatal diseases.

  Standard Price
Rabbit Vaccination Myxo and RVHD1 & 2 £100.00



We recommend castration of male cats from the age of 4 months.

We recommend that female cats are spayed when they are 4 months of age. This helps to prevent the number of unwanted kittens. Although this is a routine operation, it is an ovariohysterectomy which is major surgery in any animal so a degree of after care is appropriate. Your pet would stay with us a day patient and would be monitored by a dedicated kennel nurse during their stay. We will ask to see her back for a checkup appointment which is already included in the cost one week after her surgery, at which point any sutures will be removed. The cost includes post operative pain relief for 3 days.

  Standard Price
Cat Castration £140.00
Cat Spay £185.00


We don't have a fixed recommendation for the age for neutering male or female dogs.

The best age at which to neuter an individual male or female dog can depend of many different factors, including their size, their breed, their temperament and the home situation.

Our vets have read and discussed the available research and are happy to advise on the best age for neutering your dog based on these factors and your needs. Ideally we would like to do this at a free of charge appointment where you bring your dog along so we can weigh them and check their health, though we can offer this as a telephone consultation if you prefer. Please call if you would like to book this appointment.

Laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) is a minimally invasive technique that can be used to spay female dogs. Find out more about Laparoscopic Surgery.

  Standard Price
Dog Castration From £370.00
Dog Spay From £605.00
Laparoscopic Spay From £860.00


We recommend castrating male rabbits from 4 months of age for small breed rabbits and from 5 - 6 months of age for larger breed rabbits. Neutering male rabbits helps to enable rabbits to be kept in social groups and protect against unwanted pregnancies.

The same age ranges apply to female neutering as it does to male neutering. Spaying of female rabbits helps to prevent uterine cancer and unwanted pregnancies. It could help resolve some issues with behaviour. Please call to speak to one of our nurses or vets for further advice.

  Standard Price
Rabbit Castration From £185.00
Rabbit Spay From £230.00