Useful Info

Useful information for pet owners

On this page, you will find information and links on various different companies, including Registered Home boarders, Kennels and Catteries. We hope you find it useful but if you are not sure about anything then please call our friendly team at The Wheelhouse and we will be happy to help.

If you would like us to display your business details on this page, please send a request to All requests will be considered.

  • Dog Grooming
  • Kennels & Catteries
  • Home Boarding
  • Day Care & Dog Walking

Dog Grooming

Kennels & Catteries

All boarding establishments including home boarding have to be registered and licensed by their local council authority. We are not able to make personal recommendations for any boarding establishments.

We would always recommend that you visit any boarding establishment prior to booking your pet a place, to ensure that you are happy with the environment they will be staying in.

Arklow Kennels & Cattery

Longcroft Luxury Cat Hotel
01494 372371

Chiltern Boarding Kennels
01494 757070

Acorn Kennels and Cattery
01494 876586

Elmwood Exclusive Kennels
01494 837420

Greenmeadows Kennels & Cattery
01494 872320

New House Farm Cattery
01494 783118

Pipwood Kennels & Cattery
01753 882074

Woodfield Spring Kennels
01442 865408

Pussy Palace Cattery & Rabbit Ritz Hotel
01296 612220 or 07752336419
There are 4 special pens especially for the elderly, infirm, disabled or blind cats, where everything is on ground level with little day beds overlooking the garden.

Home Boarding

Home boarding is a place where your pet will be looked after in the persons own home. They are only allowed a restricted amount of pets at any one time.

Lap of Luxury Premium Doggy Day Care & Hotel
With Ellen Marzell in Amersham on the Hill (dogs up to 10kg)
07969 993454

Mrs & Mrs Hearn Puppy Dog Hotel
01494 771493

A1 K9 Care Chalfont
Georgia Mann Dog walking, Home Boarding, Doggy Daycare and Grooming based in Little Chalfont
07799 431105 or 01494 958955

Laura’s Little Lodgers
Dog minding service, Wooburn Green, Bucks (licensed by High Wycombe District Council)
01628 851447 or 07770 814606

The Rabbit Ritz Boarding
Wendover Road, Aylesbury

Boarding with Bolly (Mrs Stroh)
Home boarding for your dog
01494 776355 or 07768 454020

Animals at Home (Victoria Coady)
South & East Bucks

APT Pet Care (Jo & Andrew)
01494 837175

Home boarding, Daycare, Dog Walking in Chesham
01494 776705 or 07927 283955

Chalfont Pet Sitters – Anna Martin

Day Care & Dog Walking

We are not able to make personal recommendations but we would recommend that you call and ask for references and check out any insurance cover someone might have. Professional Dog Walkers Guidelines by RSPCA Endorsed by Dogs Trust and Pet Industry Federation.

Lap of Luxury Premium Doggy Day Care & Hotel
With Ellen Marzell in Amersham on the Hill (dogs up to 10kg)
07969 993454

Waggy Tails Dog Walking Service (Lucy)
07970 979345

Paws for Thought, Professional Dog Walking (Emma Payne)

Lisas Dog Walking, Chalfont St Giles
07901 835409

Sallys Dog Walking and Pet Services (incl. Pet Taxi)
07765 063845 or 01494 786528

Personal Pet Care (Abbey)
01494 911110

Pooches Retreat, Chalfont St Giles
07759 972221

Gerrards Cross Dog Walking Service
01753 883600 or text details to 07773 537550

The Capable Lady Company (Kellie)
Dog walking services operating in the Chalfonts, GX, Beaconsfield, Chesham and Amersham areas

Paddys Paws, Homeboarding & Dogwalking (Elaine Robertson)
07907 791754

The Pet Patrol (Bradley)
Dog walking, House Visits & Sitting, and Pet Taxi
07557 883026

Young’s Whiskers & Paws Ltd
Home Boarding, Day Care, Cat Visits and Dog Walking
07825 410342

Chiltern Walkies - Tanya
07914 101 094
Main areas of service: Chesham, Amersham (& surrounding areas)